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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Logo1110

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 [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot

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Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto

Mensagens : 711

[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 29 Ago 2010, 20:31

Olha pessoal esse Tuturial vai fazer que liberada Todos as Slot
Entao vamos la

1º de tudo vai na frmItemEditor e proucure na Properts por ... List .. no final dela adicione

vamos começar na frmMirage ... va na picture onde fica os equipamentos ... e proucure por...

achano isso na Properties ... proucure por .. Visible ... ela vai estar como


Mude para

certo isso fara com que ela apareça ... agora vamos ter que fazer uma coisa que é meia complicada .. vai na picInv3 ... e dentro da caixinha roxa tera uma pic chamada

dentro dela tem aqueles quadradinhos amarelos ... copie o quadradinho amarelo chamado

e depois cole pelo menos uma 5 veses e nem presisa mecher para ferificar olha se o ultimo quadradinho amarelo eo?

Se tiver assim ^^ ... pronto pela parte mais dificil jah passamos ... vamos agora para parte um poco mais facil ... programer XD...

' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Player worn equipment packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Abaixo de
Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(z, Val(Parse(5)))

 Call SetPlayerRing1Slot(z, Val(Parse(6)))
Call SetPlayerRing2Slot(z, Val(Parse(7)))
Call SetPlayerGlovesSlot(z, Val(Parse(8)))
Call SetPlayerLegsSlot(z, Val(Parse(9)))
Call SetPlayerAmuletSlot(z, Val(Parse(10)))

agora proucure por ...
' Worn equipmentArmorSlot As Long
WeaponSlot As Long
HelmetSlot As Long
ShieldSlot As Long

abaixo do ShieldSlot As Long adicione ...

Ring1Slot As Long
Ring2Slot As Long
GlovesSlot As Long
LegsSlot As Long
AmuletSlot As Long

agora proucure por ...
 Player(Index).ArmorSlot = 0
Player(Index).WeaponSlot = 0
Player(Index).HelmetSlot = 0
Player(Index).ShieldSlot = 0

abaixo do Shield Slot = 0 coloque ...
 Player(Index).Ring1Slot = 0
Player(Index).Ring2Slot = 0
Player(Index).GlovesSlot = 0
Player(Index).LegsSlot = 0
Player(Index).AmuletSlot = 0

agora na modTypes adicione isso no final dela ...

Function GetPlayerRing1Slot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerRing1Slot = Player(Index).Ring1Slot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerRing1Slot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Ring1Slot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerRing2Slot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerRing2Slot = Player(Index).Ring2Slot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerRing2Slot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Ring2Slot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerGlovesSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerGlovesSlot = Player(Index).GlovesSlot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerGlovesSlot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).GlovesSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerLegsSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerLegsSlot = Player(Index).LegsSlot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerLegsSlot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).LegsSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerAmuletSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerRing2Slot = Player(Index).AmuletSlot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerAmuletSlot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).AmuletSlot = InvNum
End Sub

proucure por ...
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_PET = 14

abaixo adicione ..
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_RING1 = 15
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_RING2 = 16
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES = 17
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_LEGS = 18
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_AMULET = 19

Procure por:
If (frmItemEditor.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_PET) Then

Abaixo do End If coloque:
If (frmItemEditor.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_RING1) Then
Item(EditorIndex).Data2 = frmItemEditor.scrlStrength.Value
Item(EditorIndex).StrReq = frmItemEditor.scrlStrReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).DefReq = frmItemEditor.scrlDefReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).SpeedReq = frmItemEditor.scrlSpeedReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).MagicReq = frmItemEditor.scrlMagicReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).ClassReq = frmItemEditor.scrlClassReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AccessReq = frmItemEditor.scrlAccessReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddHP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddHP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddStr = frmItemEditor.scrlAddStr.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddDef = frmItemEditor.scrlAddDef.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMagi = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMagi.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSpeed.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddEXP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddEXP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AttackSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAttackSpeed.Value
End If

If (frmItemEditor.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_RING2) Then
Item(EditorIndex).Data2 = frmItemEditor.scrlStrength.Value
Item(EditorIndex).StrReq = frmItemEditor.scrlStrReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).DefReq = frmItemEditor.scrlDefReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).SpeedReq = frmItemEditor.scrlSpeedReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).MagicReq = frmItemEditor.scrlMagicReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).ClassReq = frmItemEditor.scrlClassReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AccessReq = frmItemEditor.scrlAccessReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddHP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddHP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddStr = frmItemEditor.scrlAddStr.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddDef = frmItemEditor.scrlAddDef.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMagi = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMagi.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSpeed.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddEXP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddEXP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AttackSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAttackSpeed.Value
End If

If (frmItemEditor.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES) Then
Item(EditorIndex).Data2 = frmItemEditor.scrlStrength.Value
Item(EditorIndex).StrReq = frmItemEditor.scrlStrReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).DefReq = frmItemEditor.scrlDefReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).SpeedReq = frmItemEditor.scrlSpeedReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).MagicReq = frmItemEditor.scrlMagicReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).ClassReq = frmItemEditor.scrlClassReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AccessReq = frmItemEditor.scrlAccessReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddHP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddHP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddStr = frmItemEditor.scrlAddStr.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddDef = frmItemEditor.scrlAddDef.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMagi = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMagi.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSpeed.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddEXP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddEXP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AttackSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAttackSpeed.Value
End If

If (frmItemEditor.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_LEGS) Then
Item(EditorIndex).Data2 = frmItemEditor.scrlStrength.Value
Item(EditorIndex).StrReq = frmItemEditor.scrlStrReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).DefReq = frmItemEditor.scrlDefReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).SpeedReq = frmItemEditor.scrlSpeedReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).MagicReq = frmItemEditor.scrlMagicReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).ClassReq = frmItemEditor.scrlClassReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AccessReq = frmItemEditor.scrlAccessReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddHP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddHP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddStr = frmItemEditor.scrlAddStr.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddDef = frmItemEditor.scrlAddDef.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMagi = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMagi.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSpeed.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddEXP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddEXP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AttackSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAttackSpeed.Value
End If

If (frmItemEditor.cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_AMULET) Then
Item(EditorIndex).Data2 = frmItemEditor.scrlStrength.Value
Item(EditorIndex).StrReq = frmItemEditor.scrlStrReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).DefReq = frmItemEditor.scrlDefReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).SpeedReq = frmItemEditor.scrlSpeedReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).MagicReq = frmItemEditor.scrlMagicReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).ClassReq = frmItemEditor.scrlClassReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AccessReq = frmItemEditor.scrlAccessReq.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddHP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddHP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddStr = frmItemEditor.scrlAddStr.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddDef = frmItemEditor.scrlAddDef.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddMagi = frmItemEditor.scrlAddMagi.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAddSpeed.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AddEXP = frmItemEditor.scrlAddEXP.Value
Item(EditorIndex).AttackSpeed = frmItemEditor.scrlAttackSpeed.Value
End If

Procure por:
[code]Public Sub UpdateTradeInventory()[/code]

Mude a Sub Intera Por:
[code]Public Sub UpdateTradeInventory()
Dim I As Long


For I = 1 To MAX_INV
If GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, I) > 0 And GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, I) <= MAX_ITEMS Then
If Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, I)).Type = ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY Then
frmPlayerTrade.PlayerInv1.AddItem I & ": " & Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, I)).Name) & " (" & GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, I) & ")"
If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerArmorSlot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerShieldSlot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex) = I Or GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex) = I Then
frmPlayerTrade.PlayerInv1.AddItem I & ": " & Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, I)).Name) & " (equipado)"
frmPlayerTrade.PlayerInv1.AddItem I & ": " & Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, I)).Name)
End If
End If
frmPlayerTrade.PlayerInv1.AddItem ""
End If
Next I

frmPlayerTrade.PlayerInv1.ListIndex = 0
End Sub[/code]

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.ShieldImage.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.WeaponImage.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.HelmetImage.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerArmorSlot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.ArmorImage.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.Ring1Image.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.Ring2Image.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.GlovesImage.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.LegsImage.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex) = Index Then Call BitBlt(frmMirage.AmuletImage.hDC, 0, 0, PIC_X, PIC_Y, frmMirage.picItems.hDC, (Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic - Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * 6) * PIC_X, Int(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, Index)).Pic / 6) * PIC_Y, SRCCOPY) Next Index frmMirage.EquipS(0).Visible = False frmMirage.EquipS(1).Visible = False frmMirage.EquipS(2).Visible = False frmMirage.EquipS(3).Visible = False frmMirage.EquipS(4).Visible = False For d = 0 To MAX_INV - 1 If Player(MyIndex).Inv(d + 1).Num > 0 Then If Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type <> ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY Then 'frmMirage.descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (" & GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, d + 1) & ")" 'Else If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(0).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(0).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(0).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerArmorSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(1).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(1).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(1).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(2).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(2).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(2).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerShieldSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(3).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(3).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(3).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(4).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(4).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(4).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(5).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(5).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(5).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(6).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(6).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(6).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(7).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(7).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(7).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 ElseIf GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (worn)" frmMirage.EquipS(8).Visible = True frmMirage.EquipS(8).Top = frmMirage.picInv(d).Top - 2 frmMirage.EquipS(8).Left = frmMirage.picInv(d).Left - 2 'frmMirage.picInv(d).ToolTipText = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) End If End If End If Next dEnd Sub

na modClientTPC proucure por
' :: Player Stats Packet ::[/code]

dentro desses codigo proucure por ..
 If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex) > 0 Then
SubStr = SubStr + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex))).AddStr
SubDef = SubDef + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex))).AddDef
SubMagi = SubMagi + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex))).AddMagi
SubSpeed = SubSpeed + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex))).AddSpeed
End If

Abaixo adicione:
 If GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex) > 0 Then
SubStr = SubStr + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex))).AddStr
SubDef = SubDef + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex))).AddDef
SubMagi = SubMagi + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex))).AddMagi
SubSpeed = SubSpeed + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex))).AddSpeed
End If
If GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex) > 0 Then
SubStr = SubStr + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex))).AddStr
SubDef = SubDef + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex))).AddDef
SubMagi = SubMagi + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex))).AddMagi
SubSpeed = SubSpeed + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex))).AddSpeed
End If
If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex) > 0 Then
SubStr = SubStr + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex))).AddStr
SubDef = SubDef + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex))).AddDef
SubMagi = SubMagi + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex))).AddMagi
SubSpeed = SubSpeed + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex))).AddSpeed
End If
If GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex) > 0 Then
SubStr = SubStr + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex))).AddStr
SubDef = SubDef + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex))).AddDef
SubMagi = SubMagi + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex))).AddMagi
SubSpeed = SubSpeed + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex))).AddSpeed
End If
If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex) > 0 Then
SubStr = SubStr + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex))).AddStr
SubDef = SubDef + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex))).AddDef
SubMagi = SubMagi + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex))).AddMagi
SubSpeed = SubSpeed + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex))).AddSpeed
End If

proucure agora por...
Sub cmbType

Mude a Sub Intera para:
Private Sub cmbType_Click()
If (cmbType.ListIndex >= ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) And (cmbType.ListIndex <= ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD) Or (cmbType.ListIndex <= ITEM_TYPE_RING1) Or (cmbType.ListIndex <= ITEM_TYPE_RING2) Or (cmbType.ListIndex <= ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES) Or (cmbType.ListIndex <= ITEM_TYPE_LEGS) Or (cmbType.ListIndex <= ITEM_TYPE_AMULET) Then
If cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then
Label3.Caption = "Dano:"
Label3.Caption = "Defesa:"
End If
fraEquipment.Visible = True
fraPet.Visible = False
fraAttributes.Visible = True
fraBow.Visible = True
fraEquipment.Visible = False
fraAttributes.Visible = False
fraBow.Visible = False
End If

If (cmbType.ListIndex >= ITEM_TYPE_POTIONADDHP) And (cmbType.ListIndex <= ITEM_TYPE_POTIONSUBSP) Then
fraVitals.Visible = True
fraPet.Visible = False
fraAttributes.Visible = False
fraEquipment.Visible = False
fraBow.Visible = False
fraVitals.Visible = False
End If

If (cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_SPELL) Then
fraSpell.Visible = True
fraPet.Visible = False
fraAttributes.Visible = False
fraEquipment.Visible = False
fraBow.Visible = False
fraSpell.Visible = False
End If

If (cmbType.ListIndex = ITEM_TYPE_PET) Then
fraSpell.Visible = False
fraPet.Visible = True
fraAttributes.Visible = False
fraEquipment.Visible = False
fraBow.Visible = False
fraPet.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

agora vá na
Sub cmdUpdate_Click()

e troque ela por essa...
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
Dim Index As Long, I As Long, ItemNum As Long

Index = lstTradeItem(SSTab1.Tab).ListIndex + 1
I = SSTab1.Tab + 1
ItemNum = cmbItemGet.ListIndex

If ItemNum > 0 Then
If I = 1 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says shield to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says armor to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_HELMET Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says helmet to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_RING1 Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says ring1 to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_RING2 Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says ring2 to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says gloves to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_LEGS Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says legs to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_AMULET Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says amulet to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SPELL Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says spell to add this!"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says other to add this!"
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf I = 2 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says weapon to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD Then
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says armor to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_HELMET Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says helmet to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SPELL Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says spell to add this!"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says other to add this!"
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf I = 3 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says weapon to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says shield to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR Then
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_HELMET Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says helmet to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SPELL Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says spell to add this!"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says other to add this!"
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf I = 4 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says weapon to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says shield to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says armor to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_HELMET Then
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SPELL Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says spell to add this!"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says other to add this!"
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf I = 5 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says weapon to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says shield to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says armor to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_HELMET Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says helmet to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SPELL Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says other to add this!"
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf I = 6 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says weapon to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says shield to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says armor to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_HELMET Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says helmet to add this!"
Exit Sub
ElseIf Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SPELL Then
MsgBox "Please click the tab that says spell to add this!"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If

Shop(EditorIndex).TradeItem(SSTab1.Tab + 1).Value(Index).GiveItem = cmbItemGive.ListIndex
Shop(EditorIndex).TradeItem(SSTab1.Tab + 1).Value(Index).GiveValue = Val(txtItemGiveValue.Text)
Shop(EditorIndex).TradeItem(SSTab1.Tab + 1).Value(Index).GetItem = cmbItemGet.ListIndex
Shop(EditorIndex).TradeItem(SSTab1.Tab + 1).Value(Index).GetValue = Val(txtItemGetValue.Text)

Call UpdateShopTrade
End Sub

Procure por:
Private Sub picInv_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

Mude a Sub Interira Para:
Private Sub picInv_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim d As Long
d = Index

If Player(MyIndex).Inv(d + 1).Num > 0 Then
If Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Type = ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (" & GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, d + 1) & ")"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerArmorSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerHelmetSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerShieldSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerRing1Slot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerRing2Slot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerGlovesSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerLegsSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
ElseIf GetPlayerAmuletSlot(MyIndex) = d + 1 Then
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name) & " (equipado)"
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
descName.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Name)
descName.ForeColor = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).Rarity)
End If
End If
descStr.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).StrReq & " Força"
descDef.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).DefReq & " Defesa"
descSpeed.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).SpeedReq & " Agilidade"
descMagic.Caption = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).MagicReq & " Inteligência"
descHpMp.Caption = "HP: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddHP & " MP: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddMP & " SP: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddSP
descSD.Caption = "For: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddStr & " Def: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddDef
descMS.Caption = "Int: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddMagi & " Agi: " & Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).AddSpeed
desc.Caption = Trim(Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(MyIndex, d + 1)).desc)

itmDesc.Visible = True
Call itmDesc.ZOrder(0)
itmDesc.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Última edição por Leon em Ter 07 Dez 2010, 11:56, editado 4 vez(es)
Ir para o topo Ir para baixo
Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto

Mensagens : 711

[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Continuaçao do Tuturial   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 29 Ago 2010, 21:12

Desculpe pelo Double mais o Tuturial e enorme entao vamos la


Procure por:

 ' Equipamentos
Player(Index).Char(i).ArmorSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ArmorSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).WeaponSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "WeaponSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).HelmetSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "HelmetSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).ShieldSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ShieldSlot"))

Mude tudo para:

 ' Equipamentos
Player(Index).Char(i).ArmorSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ArmorSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).WeaponSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "WeaponSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).HelmetSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "HelmetSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).ShieldSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ShieldSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).Ring1Slot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Ring1Slot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).Ring2Slot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Ring2Slot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).GlovesSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "GlovesSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).LegsSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "LegsSlot"))
Player(Index).Char(i).AmuletSlot = Val(GetVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "AmuletSlot"))

Procure por:
 ' Equipamentos
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ArmorSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).ArmorSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "WeaponSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).WeaponSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "HelmetSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).HelmetSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ShieldSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).ShieldSlot))

Mude para:
 ' Equipamentos
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ArmorSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).ArmorSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "WeaponSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).WeaponSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "HelmetSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).HelmetSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "ShieldSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).ShieldSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Ring1Slot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).Ring1Slot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "Ring2Slot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).Ring2Slot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "GlovesSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).GlovesSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "LegsSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).LegsSlot))
Call PutVar(FileName, "CHAR" & i, "AmuletSlot", STR(Player(Index).Char(i).AmuletSlot))

Procure por:
' Constantes de itens
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_NONE = 0
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON = 1
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR = 2
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_HELMET = 3
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD = 4
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_KEY = 11
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY = 12
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SPELL = 13
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_PET = 14

Mude para:
' Constantes de itens
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_NONE = 0
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON = 1
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR = 2
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_HELMET = 3
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD = 4
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_KEY = 11
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY = 12
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SPELL = 13
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_PET = 14
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_RING1 = 15
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_RING2 = 16
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES = 17
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_LEGS = 18
Public Const ITEM_TYPE_AMULET = 19

Procure por:
 ' Equipamento
ArmorSlot As Long
WeaponSlot As Long
HelmetSlot As Long
ShieldSlot As Long

Muda para:
 ' Equipamento
ArmorSlot As Long
WeaponSlot As Long
HelmetSlot As Long
ShieldSlot As Long
Ring1Slot As Long
Ring2Slot As Long
GlovesSlot As Long
LegsSlot As Long
AmuletSlot As Long

Na subClearChar procure por:
 Player(Index).Char(CharNum).ArmorSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).WeaponSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).HelmetSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).ShieldSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Map = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).x = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).y = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Dir = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Resets = 0
End Sub

Mude para:
 Player(Index).Char(CharNum).ArmorSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).WeaponSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).HelmetSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).ShieldSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Ring1Slot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Ring2Slot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).GlovesSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).LegsSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).AmuletSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Map = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).x = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).y = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Dir = 0
Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Resets = 0
End Sub

Na mesma sub procure por:
 Player(Index).Char(i).ArmorSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).WeaponSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).HelmetSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).ShieldSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).Map = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).x = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).y = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).Dir = 0

Mude para:

 Player(Index).Char(i).ArmorSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).WeaponSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).HelmetSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).ShieldSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).Ring1Slot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).Ring2Slot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).GlovesSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).LegsSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).AmuletSlot = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).Map = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).x = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).y = 0
Player(Index).Char(i).Dir = 0

Procure por:
Function GetPlayerArmorSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerArmorSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).ArmorSlot
End Function

Abaixo adicione:
Function GetPlayerRing1Slot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerRing1Slot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring1Slot
End Function

Function GetPlayerRing2Slot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerRing2Slot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring2Slot
End Function

Function GetPlayerGlovesSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerGlovesSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).GlovesSlot
End Function

Function GetPlayerLegsSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerLegsSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).LegsSlot
End Function

Function GetPlayerAmuletSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerAmuletSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).AmuletSlot
End Function

Procure por:
Function GetPlayerDEF

mude tudo para:
Function GetPlayerDEF(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
Dim add As Long

add = 0

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index))).AddDef
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index))).AddDef
End If

GetPlayerDEF = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).DEF + add
End Function

Procure por:
Function GetPlayerMAGI

Mude para:

Function GetPlayerMAGI(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
Dim add As Long

add = 0

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index))).AddMagi
End If

GetPlayerMAGI = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Magi + add
End Function

Procure por:
Function GetPlayerMaxHP

Mude para:

Function GetPlayerMaxHP(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
Dim CharNum As Long
Dim add As Long

add = 0

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index))).AddHP
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index))).AddHP
End If

CharNum = Player(Index).CharNum

'GetPlayerMaxHP = ((Player(index).Char(CharNum).Level + Int(GetPlayerstr(index) / 2) + Class(Player(index).Char(CharNum).Class).str) * 2) + add
GetPlayerMaxHP = (GetPlayerLevel(Index) * AddHP.Level) + (GetPlayerstr(Index) * AddHP.STR) + (GetPlayerDEF(Index) * AddHP.DEF) + (GetPlayerMAGI(Index) * AddHP.Magi) + (GetPlayerSPEED(Index) * AddHP.Speed) + add
End Function

Procure por:

Function GetPlayerMaxMP

Mude para:
Function GetPlayerMaxMP(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
Dim CharNum As Long
Dim add As Long

add = 0

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index))).AddMP
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index))).AddMP
End If

CharNum = Player(Index).CharNum

GetPlayerMaxMP = ((Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Level + Int(GetPlayerMAGI(Index) / 2) + Class(Player(Index).Char(CharNum).Class).Magi) * 2) + add
'GetPlayerMaxMP = (GetPlayerLevel(Index) * AddMP.Level) + (GetPlayerstr(Index) * AddMP.STR) + (GetPlayerDEF(Index) * AddMP.DEF) + (GetPlayerMAGI(Index) * AddMP.Magi) + (GetPlayerSPEED(Index) * AddMP.Speed) + add
End Function

Procure por:
Function GetPlayerMaxSP

Mude para:
Function GetPlayerMaxSP(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
Dim CharNum As Long
Dim add As Long

add = 0

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index))).AddSP
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index))).AddSP
End If

CharNum = Player(Index).CharNum

'GetPlayerMaxSP = ((Player(index).Char(CharNum).Level + Int(GetPlayerSPEED(index) / 2) + Class(Player(index).Char(CharNum).Class).SPEED) * 2) + add
GetPlayerMaxSP = (GetPlayerLevel(Index) * AddSP.Level) + (GetPlayerstr(Index) * AddSP.STR) + (GetPlayerDEF(Index) * AddSP.DEF) + (GetPlayerMAGI(Index) * AddSP.Magi) + (GetPlayerSPEED(Index) * AddSP.Speed) + add
End Function

Procure por:

Function GetPlayerstr

Mude para:

Function GetPlayerstr(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
Dim add As Long

add = 0

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index))).AddStr
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index))).AddStr
End If

GetPlayerstr = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).STR + add
End Function

Procure por:
Sub SetPlayerArmorSlot(ByVal Index As Long, _
InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).ArmorSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Abaixo adicione:
Sub SetPlayerRing1Slot(ByVal Index As Long, _
InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring1Slot = InvNum
End Sub

Sub SetPlayerRing2Slot(ByVal Index As Long, _
InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring2Slot = InvNum
End Sub

Sub SetPlayerGlovesSlot(ByVal Index As Long, _
InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).GlovesSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Sub SetPlayerLegsSlot(ByVal Index As Long, _
InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).LegsSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Sub SetPlayerAmuletSlot(ByVal Index As Long, _
InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).AmuletSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Procure por:
 If GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP
End If

Abaixo adicione:
 If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Attacker) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Attacker))).AddEXP
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Attacker) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Attacker))).AddEXP
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Attacker) > 0 Then
add = add + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Attacker, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Attacker))).AddEXP
End If

Procure por:
If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

Abaixo adicione:
 If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

Procure por:
 Slot = GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index)

If Slot > 0 Then
ItemNum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot)

If ItemNum > 0 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type <> ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD Then
Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(Index, 0)
End If

Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(Index, 0)
End If
End If

Abaixo adicione:
 Slot = GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index)

If Slot > 0 Then
ItemNum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot)

If ItemNum > 0 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type <> ITEM_TYPE_RING1 Then
Call SetPlayerRing1Slot(Index, 0)
End If

Call SetPlayerRing1Slot(Index, 0)
End If
End If

Slot = GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index)

If Slot > 0 Then
ItemNum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot)

If ItemNum > 0 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type <> ITEM_TYPE_RING2 Then
Call SetPlayerRing2Slot(Index, 0)
End If

Call SetPlayerRing2Slot(Index, 0)
End If
End If

Slot = GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index)

If Slot > 0 Then
ItemNum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot)

If ItemNum > 0 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type <> ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES Then
Call SetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index, 0)
End If

Call SetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index, 0)
End If
End If

Slot = GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index)

If Slot > 0 Then
ItemNum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot)

If ItemNum > 0 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type <> ITEM_TYPE_LEGS Then
Call SetPlayerLegsSlot(Index, 0)
End If

Call SetPlayerLegsSlot(Index, 0)
End If
End If

Slot = GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index)

If Slot > 0 Then
ItemNum = GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, Slot)

If ItemNum > 0 Then
If Item(ItemNum).Type <> ITEM_TYPE_AMULET Then
Call SetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index, 0)
End If

Call SetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index, 0)
End If
End If

Procure por:

Sub GiveItem

Mude tudo para:
Sub GiveItem(ByVal Index As Long, _
ByVal ItemNum As Long, _
ByVal ItemVal As Long)
Dim i As Long

' Checar por subscript out of range
If IsPlaying(Index) = False Or ItemNum <= 0 Or ItemNum > MAX_ITEMS Then
Exit Sub
End If

i = FindOpenInvSlot(Index, ItemNum)

' Checar se o inventário está cheio
If i <> 0 Then
Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, i, ItemNum)
Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, i, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, i) + ItemVal)

If (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_HELMET) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_SHIELD) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_RING1) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_RING2) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_GLOVES) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_LEGS) Or (Item(ItemNum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_AMULET) Then
Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, i, Item(ItemNum).Data1)
End If

Call SendInventoryUpdate(Index, i)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Seu inventário está cheio.", BrightRed)
End If

End Sub

Procure por:

 If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

Abaixo adicione:

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Victim) > 0 Then
Call PlayerMapDropItem(Victim, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Victim), 0)
End If

Procure por:

If GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) > 0 Then
If i = GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
TakeItem = True

' Ver se o item que estamos pegando já está equipado
If ItemNum <> GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index)) Then
TakeItem = True
End If
End If

TakeItem = True
End If

Abaixo adicione:

If GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) > 0 Then
If i = GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerRing1Slot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
TakeItem = True

' Ver se o item que estamos pegando já está equipado
If ItemNum <> GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index)) Then
TakeItem = True
End If
End If

TakeItem = True
End If


If GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) > 0 Then
If i = GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerRing2Slot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
TakeItem = True

' Ver se o item que estamos pegando já está equipado
If ItemNum <> GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index)) Then
TakeItem = True
End If
End If

TakeItem = True
End If


If GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) > 0 Then
If i = GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
TakeItem = True

' Ver se o item que estamos pegando já está equipado
If ItemNum <> GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index)) Then
TakeItem = True
End If
End If

TakeItem = True
End If


If GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) > 0 Then
If i = GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerLegsSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
TakeItem = True

' Ver se o item que estamos pegando já está equipado
If ItemNum <> GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index)) Then
TakeItem = True
End If
End If

TakeItem = True
End If


If GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) > 0 Then
If i = GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
TakeItem = True

' Ver se o item que estamos pegando já está equipado
If ItemNum <> GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index)) Then
TakeItem = True
End If
End If

TakeItem = True
End If

Procure por:
' Checar se já não é uma arma equipavel, caso sim, não pegar ela.

Mude para:
' Checar se já não é uma arma equipavel, caso sim, não pegar ela.

Procure por:

If InvNum <> GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) Then
If n4 > 0 Then
If GetPlayerClass(Index) <> n4 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Você precisa ser classe " & GetClassName(n4) & " para usar esse item!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < n5 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Seu acesso precisa ser maior que " & n5 & "!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

If Int(GetPlayerstr(Index)) < n1 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua força é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Força requerida:(" & n1 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerDEF(Index)) < n2 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua defesa é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Defesa requerida: (" & n2 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerSPEED(Index)) < n3 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua velocidade é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Velocidade requerida: (" & n3 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerMAGI(Index)) < n6 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua magia é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Magia requerida: (" & n6 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(Index, InvNum)
Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(Index, 0)
End If

Call SendWornEquipment(Index)

Abaixo adicione:


If InvNum <> GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) Then
If n4 > 0 Then
If GetPlayerClass(Index) <> n4 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Você precisa ser classe " & GetClassName(n4) & " para usar esse item!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < n5 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Seu acesso precisa ser maior que " & n5 & "!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

If Int(GetPlayerstr(Index)) < n1 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua força é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Força requerida:(" & n1 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerDEF(Index)) < n2 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua defesa é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Defesa requerida: (" & n2 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerSPEED(Index)) < n3 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua velocidade é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Velocidade requerida: (" & n3 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerMAGI(Index)) < n6 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua magia é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Magia requerida: (" & n6 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

Call SetPlayerRing1Slot(Index, InvNum)
Call SetPlayerRing1Slot(Index, 0)
End If


If InvNum <> GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) Then
If n4 > 0 Then
If GetPlayerClass(Index) <> n4 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Você precisa ser classe " & GetClassName(n4) & " para usar esse item!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < n5 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Seu acesso precisa ser maior que " & n5 & "!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

If Int(GetPlayerstr(Index)) < n1 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua força é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Força requerida:(" & n1 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerDEF(Index)) < n2 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua defesa é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Defesa requerida: (" & n2 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerSPEED(Index)) < n3 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua velocidade é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Velocidade requerida: (" & n3 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerMAGI(Index)) < n6 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua magia é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Magia requerida: (" & n6 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

Call SetPlayerRing2Slot(Index, InvNum)
Call SetPlayerRing2Slot(Index, 0)
End If


If InvNum <> GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) Then
If n4 > 0 Then
If GetPlayerClass(Index) <> n4 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Você precisa ser classe " & GetClassName(n4) & " para usar esse item!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < n5 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Seu acesso precisa ser maior que " & n5 & "!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

If Int(GetPlayerstr(Index)) < n1 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua força é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Força requerida:(" & n1 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerDEF(Index)) < n2 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua defesa é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Defesa requerida: (" & n2 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerSPEED(Index)) < n3 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua velocidade é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Velocidade requerida: (" & n3 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerMAGI(Index)) < n6 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua magia é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Magia requerida: (" & n6 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

Call SetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index, InvNum)
Call SetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index, 0)
End If


If InvNum <> GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) Then
If n4 > 0 Then
If GetPlayerClass(Index) <> n4 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Você precisa ser classe " & GetClassName(n4) & " para usar esse item!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < n5 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Seu acesso precisa ser maior que " & n5 & "!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

If Int(GetPlayerstr(Index)) < n1 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua força é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Força requerida:(" & n1 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerDEF(Index)) < n2 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua defesa é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Defesa requerida: (" & n2 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerSPEED(Index)) < n3 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua velocidade é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Velocidade requerida: (" & n3 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerMAGI(Index)) < n6 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua magia é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Magia requerida: (" & n6 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

Call SetPlayerLegsSlot(Index, InvNum)
Call SetPlayerLegsSlot(Index, 0)
End If


If InvNum <> GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) Then
If n4 > 0 Then
If GetPlayerClass(Index) <> n4 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Você precisa ser classe " & GetClassName(n4) & " para usar esse item!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < n5 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Seu acesso precisa ser maior que " & n5 & "!", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

If Int(GetPlayerstr(Index)) < n1 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua força é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Força requerida:(" & n1 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerDEF(Index)) < n2 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua defesa é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Defesa requerida: (" & n2 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerSPEED(Index)) < n3 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua velocidade é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Velocidade requerida: (" & n3 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Int(GetPlayerMAGI(Index)) < n6 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Sua magia é muito baixa para equipar esse item! Magia requerida: (" & n6 & ")", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If

Call SetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index, InvNum)
Call SetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index, 0)
End If

Procure por:
 If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) <> i Then
Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, i, 0)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You have bought a new sprite!", BrightGreen)
Call SetPlayerSprite(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Data1)
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "checksprite" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerSprite(Index) & END_CHAR)
Call SendInventory(Index)
End If
End If

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) <> i Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

Mude tudo para:
 If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) <> i Then
Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, i, 0)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You have bought a new sprite!", BrightGreen)
Call SetPlayerSprite(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Data1)
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "checksprite" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerSprite(Index) & END_CHAR)
Call SendInventory(Index)
End If
End If

If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) <> i And GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) <> i Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

Procure por:

Sub SendWornEquipment

Mude tudo para:
Sub SendWornEquipment(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim Packet As String

If IsPlaying(Index) Then
Packet = "PLAYERWORNEQ" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), Packet)
End If

End Sub

Procure por:
Function GetPlayerArmorSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerArmorSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).ArmorSlot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerArmorSlot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).ArmorSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Abaixo adicione:
Function GetPlayerRing1Slot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerRing1Slot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring1Slot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerRing1Slot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring1Slot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerRing2Slot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerRing2Slot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring2Slot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerRing2Slot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).Ring2Slot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerGlovesSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerGlovesSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).GlovesSlot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerGlovesSlot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).GlovesSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerLegsSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerLegsSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).LegsSlot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerLegsSlot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).LegsSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Function GetPlayerAmuletSlot(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetPlayerAmuletSlot = Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).AmuletSlot
End Function

Sub SetPlayerAmuletSlot(ByVal Index As Long, InvNum As Long)
Player(Index).Char(Player(Index).CharNum).AmuletSlot = InvNum
End Sub

Procure por:

If InvNum = GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerShieldSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
End If

MapItem(GetPlayerMap(Index), i).Dur = GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, InvNum)

Abaixo adicione:

If InvNum = GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerRing1Slot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
End If

MapItem(GetPlayerMap(Index), i).Dur = GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, InvNum)


If InvNum = GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerRing2Slot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
End If

MapItem(GetPlayerMap(Index), i).Dur = GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, InvNum)


If InvNum = GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
End If

MapItem(GetPlayerMap(Index), i).Dur = GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, InvNum)


If InvNum = GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerLegsSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
End If

MapItem(GetPlayerMap(Index), i).Dur = GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, InvNum)


If InvNum = GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) Then
Call SetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index, 0)
Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
End If

MapItem(GetPlayerMap(Index), i).Dur = GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, InvNum)

Procure por:
Sub SendWornEquipment

Mude para:
Sub SendWornEquipment(ByVal Index As Long)
Dim Packet As String

If IsPlaying(Index) Then
Packet = "PLAYERWORNEQ" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerRing1Slot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerRing2Slot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerGlovesSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerLegsSlot(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerAmuletSlot(Index) & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), Packet)
End If

End Sub

Última edição por Leon em Ter 07 Dez 2010, 11:54, editado 1 vez(es)
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 29 Ago 2010, 21:48

Muito bom


Primeiro Forum que eu fesso esse Tuturial de liberação de todas a Slot


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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 29 Ago 2010, 22:01

lol Shocked Isso è Grande Dé Mais + 1 De Cred Very Happy
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 29 Ago 2010, 22:11

Citação :
D'Blackem Diz: Seg Ago 30, 2010 1:01 am
lol Isso è Grande Dé Mais + 1 De Cred

Para Dar o CRED presisa Clicar no mais do lado direto do Forum
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptySeg 30 Ago 2010, 12:20

lol malz esqueci de dar o credito Shocked
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptySeg 29 Nov 2010, 14:08

Bom na MMORPGBR ja esta atualizado esse sistema e bom voce atualizar
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Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto

Mensagens : 711

[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptySeg 29 Nov 2010, 14:18

Assim Vlw LosT

Mais +1CRED
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 12 Dez 2010, 20:36

Bom Tuto!
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyQui 28 Jul 2011, 22:30

so falto a bota neh?^^ da uma atualizada ai e coloca a bota
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 21 Ago 2011, 19:50

Lucas ja corrigiu o erro de não salvar o item?
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyQui 08 Set 2011, 13:13

Lucas OBS: Ta Faltando a Boots

Então Não é Todas As Slots [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

-1 Por Falta De Atenção lol!

^^ Mais Vlw Pela Intenção ^^
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Lucas Roberto
Lucas Roberto

Mensagens : 711

[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot EmptyDom 11 Set 2011, 11:36

^^ lembrando... que existe alguns errinhos ai
mais facil de resolver qualquer duvida so apostar e eu irei ajudar...
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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot   [ALL]Liberando todas as Slot Empty

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[ALL]Liberando todas as Slot
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